Your Marketing Brand’s Assets: More Than A Color Palette

Creating a brand isn’t an easy task. It requires thinking outside the box and coming up with fresh ideas that your target demographic will find appealing. Your marketing brand should be no exception to this rule. You must first identify your business’s best assets to create a memorable brand. After all, not every business has Read More …

The Advantages of Managing Customer Value

While businesses continue to focus more and more on digital marketing, research shows that for it to be truly successful, it needs to be integrated into a company’s entire marketing strategy. Companies need to understand how they can effectively target their audience and ensure their message resonates with them. Customer-focused marketing is one way of Read More …

The Interaction Field Model – How to Create Unstoppable Velocity

The Interaction Field: The Revolutionary New Way to Create Shared Value for Businesses, Customers, and Society, Public Affairs (September 15, 2020) by Erich Joachimsthaler was a book I read several years ago and just recently opened back up for review. Instead of re-reading the material, I took a stab at writing an outlined based on Read More …

Rules for Constructing Causal Sales Theories

Sales theorists have long debated the most effective way to construct causal sales theories. Or, have they? The most common approach is to identify a set of variables known to affect sales outcomes and then develop a model that describes the relationships between these variables. However, this approach has several drawbacks. First, it is often Read More …

Action Research is a Small Idea

Action Research should be an iterative process that takes shape as knowledge emerges. The premise here is that you learn, do, reflect, know how to do better, do it better, learn from that, do it better still, and so on. You work through cycles that converge towards better situation understanding and improved action. The goal Read More …