Equipment Manufacturer – Need a Marketing Plan?

  Equipment Manufacturer Marketing Plan Excerpt from Marketing Plan Pro Sample Plan Marketing Vision:  The Road Construction industry is poised to take advantage of the Economic Stimulus package but it will be determined by the bids that the road contractors win. Private-sector spending has come to a halt. Our marketing efforts must be spent Read More …

8 steps to get Leaner in a tough economy!

Most savings/expense is created in the design of the product/process. How many times have you told an engineer we are not designing a space shuttle? How many times do you come under budget? Anyone can do anything if he has all the money in the world. Do you wonder why our government is in the Read More …

Obvious Adams – Mindmap

I am listening to Jack Trout’s new book “In Search of the Obvious” and he starts the book out with describing one of my all time favorites, Obvious Adams. What is so special about it? Take a look at this Mindmap that I created many years ago. What better marketing advice can you get than Read More …

All Core Messages are not Created Equal.

I wrote a post recently that All Sales Channels are not Created Equal and talked about the resources that you would have to commit to each one. But today I had an appointment with a new client and was discussing their Core Message and went through an exercise that I thought might prove useful. More Read More …

Applying Lean with Duct Tape Marketing

This is a rather long video over 15 minutes but it demonstrates how to apply Lean Marketing principle thru the use of Marketing Plan Pro powered by Duct Tape Marketing. You do not have to be familiar with the software to watch the video  but it would be helpful if you had downloaded the 7 Read More …

Steps to take when outsourcing

Does anyone ever go over the initial steps in developing an outsourcing strategy? I know books are filled with vendor rating and quality programs but what I am talking about is just a simple method to make sure you cover the basics. Take a look at this mindmap for a reference. If you like it, Read More …