What Would You Ask at a Tollgate

In a recent post, Using the Six Sigma Tollgate in your Marketing Funnel I went through the concept of using a tollgate in your marketing funnel. Below is a list of questions that might help general a few ideas that you may want to consider. The list was derived from the book Implementation: How to Read More …

Considering Lean, Check out this Lean Journey

Jim Lewis was the guest on the Business901 Podcast and the last half of the podcast was a Lean Transformation in itself. It is one of the best 15 minutes that I have hosted (the 1st half is not that bad). Our discussion centered on how to begin with Lean and the development of a Read More …

Project Management for Marketing

The last several posts have discussed several products and resources for project management. Good project management has to occur throughout your organization to be successful. Your company probably has a great deal of knowledge and is already using a software package for scheduling such as Microsoft Project. I want to reiterate the point I made Read More …

Replacing the Marketing Calendar with Project Management

I believe that many Marketing projects do not conform to good solid project management techniques and practices. It’s not surprising, seldom does anyone invest in the proper training to develop the skills needed. To do list, due dates without properly define scope, and assigning responsibilities does not constitute project management. Scope, Managing Risk, Variation and Read More …

Are you ready to give up your Marketing Calendar?

It’s not working, it’s that simple. You are assigning responsibilities, deadlines and tasks, but it is just a headache to keep up. The most apparent problem: tasks are not getting handed off well or at the wrong time to others. Another problem may be, everyone’s priorities seem all mixed up, and one or two people Read More …

Your Value Stream Map is not your Project Plan

Value Stream Mapping comes from the Toyota process flow improvement tools and involves identifying all the steps both value added and non-value added currently involved in providing a product or service. It will create a visual representation of that value stream or the work in process. It establishes a common language among us and provides Read More …