Get Hired NOW!™ Program Launch by Business901

Fort Wayne, IN – Joe Dager, owner of Business901 has just launched a new version of the Get Hired NOW! Program as part of their core offerings. A proven program updated with the latest in web based tactics. Dager is an authorized facilitator in the Get Hired NOW program. Business901 is offering a payback of $100 if you don’t find a job in 90 days. ghnfacil2

Get Hired Now!” is really a marketing system, designed to help overcome the most challenging issues in finding a job or switching careers. Participants in the program will find out what really works in marketing themselves, discover the missing ingredients that are preventing their success, and learn about new tools and tactics. The key to the success is the facilitator becomes part of the overall 28-day process providing the clarity and practical support needed for implementation.

“What’s different about theGet Hired Now!’ program,” explains Dager, “is that it provides the job seeker with a simple, customized plan that they can begin taking action on immediately. Other seminars teach generic ideas and principles, but this program helps participants figure out exactly what to do in their unique situation. Once everyone has their own personal action plan, we meet as a group for the next 28 days, and I help each person implement the plan he or she created. I cannot guarantee anyone a job but what I am doing is providing my marketing  and web 2.0 skills to what I think is a worthy cause.”

The kickoff seminar for Business901’s “Get Hired Now!” program will take place on March 23rd and will repeat on every fourth Monday of the month. Follow-up sessions for program participants will continue through the next 28 days. The cost for the entire 28-day program is $229.99 per person, including a copy of the “Get Hired Now!” book,. To reserve, or for more information, visit