How to stand out from the crowd – Become an Actor

I am always looking for different ways to differentiate myself from the competition. One f the ways I found how to do this is looking in different markets for ideas that I can apply to my surroundings. I was thinking about a blog post for this site and wondered, who has the toughest time standing out from a crowd? Actors!! 
Read this excerpt… The Walk In..
3/22/2009 1:03:00 AM
This is a funny little section, you walk in, yes, you’re nervous, there are important people you don’t know, they’ve made you wait outside and now you’re alone with them. They know it, you know it. News Flash: they don’t care. They want to know who you are. Be comfortable, this is your space – remember they have made time for you. In fact, nerves are a part of the package. If I don’t get a bit nervous walking in – then I start to get really scared! So most directors will be sympathetic, but only to a point. You want to get over it pretty quick after the introductions and small talk. And there’s another thing – the small talk – it’s no small thing, they want to know who you are. They’re considering joining you at the hip with a bunch of strangers for several weeks in a very deParty Businessmanmanding, pressurised and intimate environment. Be yourself, if you’re softly spoken, be softly spoken. If you compensate with false bravado – do that (if you must) – but be real.

They discuss these areas in the Auditions can be tough blog:

  1. Preparation
  2. The Walk-In
  3. The Reading
  4. The Rehearsal
  5. Don’t Call us, We’ll Call You

I encourage you to read the entire post from the Fourth Wall.