These webinars will discuss utilizing the Lean Marketing House Concept and how to apply Continuous Improvement to your sales and marketing process. I am offering from August 25th thru the 28th, a 25% discount on the next session. That session will start on September 8th.
Each Participant will receive the E-Books: Lean Marketing House, Marketing with PDCA, Marketing with A3
Business901 will introduce Lean Marketing Concepts in a rather unique way. You will a download link to each webinar a minimum of 48 hours in advance. You may choose to watch this at anytime prior to the live sessions. The live sessions will be dedicated to Q & A or a live demonstration about the scheduled subject matter.
Dager says, “This not another system building approach but rather an action orientated program that organizes and develops your marketing efforts into a customer driven process. We will literally build your Lean Marketing House for 1 particular marketing segment and walk you through theory and into practice. I have not found a quicker and easier method from converting a stagnate and non-systematic marketing effort into a vibrant action orientated process. The end result is a continuous improvement process to keep your marketing ahead of the competition.”
The Lean Marketing House is a complete 28-day program based specifically on addressing these issues:
- Lean Marketing Principles
- Creating a Marketing Value Stream
- Marketing with PDCA
- Creating your Marketing Kanban
- Using A3s in the Marketing Process
- Implementing a Lean Marketing System
Program Structure and Agenda: You will sign up to start on the 2nd Thursday and for the following 28 days. There are a limited number of seats.
- Session 1: 60 minutes(Thursday@ 1:00PM)
- Session 2: 60 minutes(Friday@ 1:00PM)
- Session 3: 60 minutes(Monday@ 1:00PM)
- Session 4, 5, 6: 45 minutes(Thursday@ 1:00PM)
In addition to the six webinars and coaching sessions, the program includes:
- Weekly email support between class sessions
- Review of individual A3’s plans with feedback