Live by a Marketing Calendar

One of the core principles of Duct Tape Marketing is to “Live by a Marketing Calendar.” I am going to write a series of blogs on this subject to expand on his concept. It is area that I feel that John Jantsch does not spend enough time in his book and proves to be valuable tool for most small businesses.

A simple idea on how to have a good one is to look at the people that use them to be successful. No, I am not talking Franklin Covey, I am talking someone that is using them for marketing and living by them, PUBLICATIONS. Go look at some media kits you have and evaluate what you like about them.

Here is why, they are simple and easy to read and they answer these questions:
1. Theme for each month = what
2. Material due dates = when
3. Mail dates = when
4. Types of material = how
5. Publication being used = where
6. Recipient = who

Oh yeah, it sounds like that Rudyard Kipling thing: “I keep six honest men. They taught me all I knew. Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” I urge you to use these six men.

My Calendar is being updated continuously and is on my web page, take a look.