I have both an electronic and audion version of the book. It is a good listen. Amazon: Learning to Think Strategically 4th Edition https://amzn.to/2Z1vyKB
Managing Customer Value
I have both an electronic and audion version of the book. It is a good listen. Amazon: Learning to Think Strategically 4th Edition https://amzn.to/2Z1vyKB
Author Julia Sloan in the book, Learning to Think Strategically, emphasizes the need for both a Creative and Rational balance in the approach.
Sloan says, “Without a well-honed intuitive sense, problem analysis can remain clinical, sanitized, and ineffectual, in that problems are exposed only superficially and analyzed without much, if any, examination of the “truthfulness” of their cause. Rationality then plays the critical role of identifying relevant information and analyzing facts.” I find her approach and the rest of the book equally enlightening.
This process reminds me of the Divergent/Convergent Design Think approach and equally similar to Disney’s Creative Strategy: Dreamer, Realist, and Critic approach.