Impact Mapping as a Quick Check for Your Next Marketing Experiment

How do you check your projects/campaigns/experiments before launching? Impact Mapping is a tool that Gojko Adzic introduced to me in a book several years back. In it’s simplest form, I have found it to be an excellent way to check for alignment, and clarity when launching and committing to a project or marketing campaign/experiment. It is what Read More …

Marketing Experiment: Marketing Your Value Stream

Time and time again, I see companies being held back with an internal perspective of managing a Value Stream. A key point of Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s philosophy was that organizations should be managed as systems of interconnected and interdependent processes. Deming’s flow diagram exemplifies his thinking. However, even in the most common definition of Read More …

The 12 Steps of the Funnel of Opportunity

The digital age has changed the way we deliver marketing, the way we execute. Marketing is no longer driven by the creative, it is driven by the process. Learning becomes paramount and is driven by the way you interact and structure your customer engagement. Marketing is no longer just about getting the message out. It Read More …

Intro Video to The Funnel of Opportunity

There is no better way to lay the fundamentals of a marketing plan in place than through the creation of a Funnel of Opportunity. Creating a plan in isolation from customers says that you know everything you need to know starting at the beginning. It indicates that you are smarter than the market. Marketing must evolve Read More …

Growing The Funnel of Opportunity

We construct Sales and Marketing Funnels and other tools thinking that we can create a customer/opportunity from it. This is not wrong. Just by the actual application of some type of process, we are going to focus and become more effective and maybe even more efficient. The problem is that all these funnels use the Read More …