Increase Sales; Understand Motivation

When a customer does not buy we often wonder why. We do not understand why they don’t want to improve or save money.  Most of it, of course, is centered around lack of motivation or having that burning imperative. One of my favorite books on change is  Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success.  Read More …

Understand the Process = Organization

Customer Focused Process Innovation: Linking Strategic Intent to Everyday Execution is compilation of David Hamme’s thoughts and processes that he uses. The  related podcast and transcription can be found here  Fine Tuning Your Company Processes. An excerpt from the discussion: Joe: Why do think we need a process? I mean why do we need a Read More …

Do you understand where demand comes from

Maybe the better question is can it be created? Most of us believe it is though better or more marketing or sales. Where it really comes from is understanding your customers better! That should come as little surprise to the readers of this blog. My recent posts: Deming was just simply wrong about variation… Why Read More …

Can anyone truly understand and empathize with another?

By leading the Americans in his audience at TEDxPSU step by step through the thought process, sociologist Sam Richards sets an extraordinary challenge: can they understand — not approve of, but understand — the motivations of an Iraqi insurgent? And by extension, can anyone truly understand and empathize with another? This is very powerful video Read More …

Understand Scrum, Understand PDCA

I had the pleasure interviewing James O. Coplein, author of the Lean Architecture: for Agile Software Development for an upcoming Business901 podcast. I seem to learn so much from the software community and had picked up Jim’s book to help provide a framework for parts of the Lean Marketing House (Marketing with Lean). I was Read More …

Marketers must understand the systems they manage.

During the past several years, I have seen more marketing efforts geared towards increasing prospects at the top of the marketing funnel. This has resulted in increase spending, greater efforts in innovation and jumping on the Social Media bandwagon. Few will attribute greater profits or increased revenue to these efforts. My contention is that the Read More …