There is joy in work!

Henry Ford said; ” “There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something. “

In performance planning would it not make sense to let people know when they accomplished something, even leaving ourselves know. I challenge people to set milestones for themselves this coming year and maybe more importantly tell people about them. You have all heard committing your goals to writing but I think more importantly you must communicate them clearly and precisely to others. By doing this the steps will become much clearer and you will start finding joy in not only the accomplishment but the process of getting there.

How does all this relate to marketing? Do we need to have a direct response ad for everything? The correlation I bring to marketing is the more targeted we are, the more vivid picture we can paint on how to get there. If you pick your best customer/client and this is not necessarily your largest. It may just simply be the one that you enjoy working with the most. But think of the steps on how you acquired them. Can you repeat that in a systematic way? Ok, maybe not, but it is a start. Try it with a few more and see where you end up.