
Kanban scheduling can be simply stated as demand scheduling. In Kanban, the products are produced based on actual usage rather than a forecasted usage. Therefore, a Kanban scheduling process to be considered a true Kanban the production process it controls must: Only produce product to replace the product consumed by its customer Only produce product Read More …

Bootstrapping business Survival

If you want to survive, what do you need to do? Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Laurence Gonzales officially distilled these observations down 12  points the seemed to stand out concerning how survivors think and behave in the clutch of mortal danger. Some of the same steps for staying out of Read More …

Do you wanna turn your office into an idea factory?

Most continuous improvement efforts and most notably Lean are influenced heavily by the power of visualization. In fact, the post-it-note and a roll of butcher paper may be the two most important tools that you can have. Even computers are trying to jump into the fray like the iPad. ;) Graphics, Sticky notes, Mapping and Read More …

B901 Programs for the Month of August

How Good are you at Marketing Yourself? Marketing your Black Belt: Every 2 weeks  on Friday. Marketing your Black Belt is based specifically on addressing these issues: Customer Acquisition, Marketing, Customer Retention and Communication & Collaboration. Get Clients NOW – 28 Day Program: Program starting on first Monday of every month: 3:00 PM to 4:00 Read More …

If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts!

If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts! – Albert Einstein I think many of us put blinders on when we get a good idea and forget that well let me throw another quote out to you: We don’t see things as they are, We see them as we are – Anais Nin Read More …


If we find the constraint what is the first thing we want to do, fix it. That’s our natural tendency. Many of us have learned to go through the Theory of Constraint Five Focusing Steps: Identify the system’s constraint. Decide how to exploit the system’s constraint. Subordinate everything else to the above decisions. Elevate the Read More …