
Many people believe that to apply Value Stream Marketing using Lean Techniques is about removing waste. Eliminating waste is one of the Guiding Principles of Value Stream Marketing but you must make some fundamental improvements in your marketing cycle before a pull marketing system will work. Value Stream Marketing (VSM) is about having a minimum Read More …

Creating your VSM

One purpose of Value Stream Marketing is to provide clarity to an individual or organizations marketing process. This gives you the ability to walk a prospect through the process, understanding where they are at in the process. Typically, I have a customer add the activities or in lean terms map the process he uses to Read More …

Lean Value Stream Marketing

Do you think it is Scrum? Do you think it is Kanban? Do you think it is a Marketing Funnel? …or is it all three? Or maybe Agile? This is an empirical view of Value Stream Marketing. The drawing is reflective of a Scrum sprint. Scrum is an iterative, incremental framework for project management and Read More …

VSM Guiding Principles

  Do you have principles for creating a Value Stream in your marketing? I had Robert Martichenko of co-author Building a Lean Fulfillment Stream, on the podcast and he made a statement that a set of guiding principles must be adhered to or simple chaos may result. Following his lead and using the Lean Fulfillment Guiding Principles for Read More …


I was doing a Value Stream Mapping project for a customer and as we were creating their marketing segments to create the map, we were having difficulty creating the typical Marketing Hourglass, (Marketing Funnel, Sales Pipeline) for this particular segment. We also wanted to remove some prospects in the middle of a segment. Some of Read More …


I had the pleasure of attending a workshop on Value-Stream Mapping for the Office and Service. The workshop description: This interactive workshop demonstrates how to apply value-stream mapping, a fundamental and critical tool, to address what many companies find difficult to do: making a fundamental change in business processes such as administrative, professional, and transactional Read More …