How Are You Finding Your Next Export Market?

Learn How Cultural Awareness Can Drive Your Global Performance: Tuesday, Sep 24, 9:00 AM EST Learn from Hofstede Insights and Prime Target how to increase your performance through better understanding your international customers. Hear from other businesses how they developed globally and managed the cultural differences during their international growth. Agenda Understand how to improve Read More …

Customer Discovery Interview

Overview Anyone can come up with a great marketing strategy and in the same vein anyone can come up with a marketing idea. As long as you build plans, websites and develop strategies in isolation of customers your chance of success is minimized. My implementation successes with customers are almost always determined by the Discover Read More …

Practicing Emergence in Sales and Marketing

If your organization and specifically, your sales and marketing teams are not in the practice of Engaging Emergence, what chance does your brand have in the race for innovation and new markets? So, what is Emergence? From Peggy Holman’s book Engaging Emergence, Turning Upheaval into Opportunity, 2010, Holman says, I define emergence as simply as possible: Read More …

Appreciative Inquiry with Andy Smith

Appreciative Inquiry is a shift from looking at problems and deficiencies and instead focusing on strengths and successes. It is a tool for change, and it will strengthen relationships throughout your business. Most people struggle to obtain this mindset without training. We have just been conditioned otherwise. I always use the example that is about Read More …

Giving Your Product a Voice

Can you help bring your product/service alive by giving it a voice? From the book The Objects of Experience by Wood & Latham, Name the object. Give it an actual name, as if you were naming a pet. Decide on its personality. Is it mean, nice, sneaky, smart, young, old, funny What kinds of Read More …