Faces of Change 2 – Social Emotional Learning Program

Providing a Pathway for Students to develop their Talents, Interest, and Abilities When confronted with the fallout of childhood trauma, why do some children adapt and overcome, while others bear lifelong scars that flatten their potential? A growing body of evidence points to one common answer: Every child who winds up doing well has had Read More …

Are you developing WICKED Salespeople?

Most sales opportunities are just not that obvious anymore that seems to be the job of automation, not sales. However, are we enabling salespeople to handle wicked problems? Are we training them in the areas of exploration, scenarios, emergence & sensemaking? Wicked Problems: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicked_problem Cynefin Framework: https://cognitive-edge.com/

How We Learn – Dissonance

Using Lean Thinking in the fields of sales and marketing and to some extent, the more softer-feely approach of Toyota Kata seems very mechanical. I was reviewing a video from Solution Tree and enjoyed the terminology of the cycle of learning they used especially the word dissonance. It describes the area of tension that exists Read More …

Planning and Pursuing Your Customer Portfolio 

I often use Kim and Mauborgne’s (Blue Ocean Strategy) Pioneer-Migrator Map as a beginning step in identifying customers and organizing clusters for engagement and exploration. It is certainly not meant to be a direct comparison but it offers a unique view of the material. I like to look at growth opportunities through real people, and clustering from the known Read More …

This Should Trouble Us

Why do we continue to get undesirable outcomes? Have you ever looked at your sales and marketing from a system perspective? To most this simple diagram looks complex. However, it is high-level and can be broken down into numerous subsets. You may notice the typical Google Acquisition block at its core which is very dynamic Read More …