Does Decentralization limit Growth?

I first came across Dean Myer  several years ago reading two other books,The Building Blocks Approach to Organization Charts and Decentralization: Fantasies, Failings, and Fundamentals. I had re-read them due to my recent foray into those two subjects and sought out Dean about his thoughts and he responded by sending me his latest book. I started out the podcast asking about that book, Internal Market Economics and never did get around to the other subjects for 30 minutes. As a result, I posted the first podcast, Show me the Money – The Truth about Performance last week. This podcast discusses Decentralization and Organization Structure. Dean Myer

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Dean Meyer is one of the original proponents of running shared-services organizations within companies as businesses within a business, where every managerial group is an entrepreneurship funded to produce products and services for customers. Dean is the author of seven books. He invented FullCost, a business and budget planning process based on an internal product/service costing solution. He researched the science of organizational structure, captured in his Structural Cybernetics framework and reorganization process.

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