Lean Marketing – Kaizen Plan

Kaizan Plan In my previous post on Lean Six Sigma marketing , I had stated Implement, the new process under a control plan, was the 5th step in building a Lean Six Sigma marketing process. I also stated that in the Duct Tape Marketing planning system that the Service Experience coincided with the definition of Implement. Now with adding the Lean component. Create Kaizen Plan to these components the work is actually begun. Or have we been doing work all along?

The first place, we need to start is what is Kaizen? It is the Japanese word for continuous improvement, it’s all about idea submission, not acceptance. Kaizen has three steps: first, create a standard.  Second, follow it.  Third, find a better way.  So now that we’ve mapped our current and future  states, we must start implementing.  So we’ve created the plans therefore creating a standard.  Standards will make life easier, they will create real and lasting value. But for any standard to work, it must be clearly identified and people must be trained in this method. After all, this is in place, we will then continuously look for better ways to do it.  And in true lean fashion, you must realize that the work is never done it is continuously improving.

Without understanding this step in the process, people become confused with what planning and standards are meant to be. Standards are not control mechanisms. They’re not stopping you from being creative. A true standard is actually the direct opposite. Standards and plans are dynamic. A standard lets you know were problem is quicker, where to begin a search for solutions, and prevents you from making the same mistake twice. Continuous improvement cannot happen without a standard. And continuous improvement in any part of the organization is the only true advantage that you have as a company.

So you tell me, is you marketing giving you a sustainable advantage over your competition?