Sales Relations Card

Do you carry a card around with you as a reminder? For many years, like 20 or so, I carried around a card clipped out of the book “Yes” or “No”: The Guide to Better Decisions  by Spencer Johnson. for those that do not recognize the name he co-authored The One Minute Manager with Ken Blanchard. The card served as a reminder and though, in the last 10 years, I doubt that I removed it very often, but it was always there.

I assume that was how the Training Within Industries pocket cards were and still to this day used. I have them on a Mobile App downloaded to my phone and refer to them often. The one that I refer to most often is the Job Relations Card. Recently, I did a podcast with  Oscar Roche,  Director of Training Within Industry Institute in Australia where we discussed Job Relations in great detail, Related Podcast and Transcription: The People Side of TWI.

The key to having a pocket card or an app is to give you a reminder of the key details. In the Job Relations example, one side of the card reminds of the Foundations for Good Relations and the other side on How to Handle A Problem.   In the sales arena, I think having a pocket card, an app is not all that bad of an idea. Even on the phone I am often reminded of how to get back on track when I observe my pocket cards pinned up next to me.  Below is a very simple attempt of taking the TWI Job Relations Pocket Card and turning it into a sales tool.


 A salesperson gets results through people

Understand What each customer is doing

  • Figure out what they expect from you
  • Point out ways for them to improve on what they are doing

 Give credit when credit is due

  • Recognize extra or unusual performance
  • Tell them while “it’s hot”

Tell people in advance about changes that will affect them

  • Tell them WHY if possible
  • Get them to accept the change

 Make the best use of each person’s ability

  • Look for ability not now being used
  • Never stand in a person’s way, it’s their decision

 People must be treated as Individuals




  • Know the status
  • Find out what procedures and behaviors apply
  • Talk with individuals concerned
  • Get opinions and feelings

Be sure to have the whole story


  • Fit the facts together
  • Consider their bearing on each other
  • What possible actions are there?
  • Check practices and policies
  • Consider objective and effect on individual, group and your own operations.

Don’t jump to conclusions


  • Are you going to handle this yourself?
  • Do you need help in handling?
  • Should you refer this to your supervisor?
  • Watch the timing of your actions

Don’t shirk responsibility


  • How soon will you follow up?
  • How often will you need to check?
  • Watch for changes in output, attitudes, and relationships.

Did my action help my customer?

 Were mutual objectives accomplished?

I have been playing around with this a bit and believe I need to turn it into more of a learning opportunity. However, I thought it needed to be put on the table for others to see. What are your thoughts? What things could be added?

View the original Job Relations Card

 Marketing with PDCA (More Info): Targeting what your Customer Values at each stage of the cycle will increase your ability to deliver quicker, more accurately and with better value than your competitor. It is a moving target and the principles of Lean and PDCA facilitates the journey to Customer Value.