SPIDER Product Launch Program by Business901

News Release Fort Wayne, IN – This program is based on the Business901 SPIDER product launch template which will allow participants to organize their launch plans into a series of actionable items based on present marketing conditions and practices. The participants can use the template to determine areas to differentiate their product, better define their

The actual program was created to provide businesses with everything they could ask for in terms of ongoing marketing support, guidance, accountability, and know-how to help them overcome the challenges facing them in launching a product in 2009. “It is not your typical, Internet launch program. If you are looking for a web-based product launched, this is not for you,” says Dager. He adds, “It contains a mix of products, services, an authorized Duct Tape Marketing Coach to walk you through the process and the SPIDER Template to integrate your launch not only on the web but more importantly offline through your targeted industry.”

SPIDER is an acronym for See, Plan, Imagine, Design/Sell, Execute and Renew. Dager also added: “This is a compilation of 30 years of product marketing launches in the process equipment field. I not only credit the Duct Tape Marketing System, which I use as an important part of the process but my recent training in the Effective Product Marketing program hosted by Pragmatic Marketing. This EPM seminar explored outbound marketing roles, priorities and processes that characterize market-driven technology companies.”

The SPIDER template also utilizes the newly formatted Ultimate Marketing System from Duct Tape Marketing. “We believe in installing a system,” says Dager. “Our experience is that a system will always outperform any other approach. We define your objectives; develop strategies to achieve them, than institute tactics to carry out your strategies. We deliver the package in One on One Sessions or you can even participate in group coaching.”