Simon tells it like it is, do you?

Simon does and is respected by it says Ree Hines, contributor, who just wrote about how past idols respect him. An excerpt follows:

"Despite his reputation as “American Idol’s” tell-it-like-it-is dream dasher, Simon Cowell is popular with the show’s past contestants. A new report in The Star reveals Cowell’s tough talk earned him the respect of country queen Carrie Underwood and last year’s winner David Cook."

Read the entire post.

I think this is a great example of what people are looking for in your marketing today: Authenticity and Transparency. Something we are so afraid to give normally. If you participate in social media you quickly find out that this is brought out very quickly. Why? You send out messages making your followers receptive to your comments or you blast them and they quickly turn you off. Most people don’t want to read just about your products. People buy from people and that is what is important both off-line and on-line. So if you want a marketing assessment, would you want Simon or Paula?

Picture credit Jason Decrow / AP file

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