Simple Marketing Ideas Utilizing Performance Marketing Solutions

Some of the best selling books on Amazon at the present time are The Secret, Results Rule, Instant Income, Marketing for ” ” and the list goes on. What that list indicates is that most people are looking for immediate marketing results. However, the magic answer — there is no quick fix. It takes effort and commitment on your part to succeed.
I have always professed that most business results are decided by this formula: Results = Time + Money + Skill
Willing to spend more money? It may take less time and less skill. If you need a high degree of skill, you may hire a marketing firm for example and by doing it may take less time. But don’t just attempt to throw money and resources at your marketing to get a faster result. Businesses would benefit from using a methodology that consists of basically three elements:
1. Market Definition
2. Market Calendar
3. Linkage of Resources
As a result of this program my new Success901 formula: Results = (Time + Money + Skill) x Methodology
Quick Tutor on the Methodology:
Market Definition is the single most important element of the plan. A simple statement of What you are marketing and Who you are marketing to will drive all other activities of the plan. This definition will result in a 100 targeted prospect list that will be used to sample your marketing message and base future marketing efforts. It will also reduce your marketing dollars as that definition increases.
Marketing Calendar is used as a primary marketing planning tool. The idea is to keep doing something related to marketing, according to plan, day in and month out. When you plan your marketing activities using a calendar, your focus tends to be on the immediate goal leaving the long term goals become part of the process. Tracking and accountability is built into the calendar so that you can see the progress or where you may become off-track.
Linkage of resources takes your objectives, the strategies that you develop to achieve them and the resources and actions needed to carry them out into one well defined plan using the One Page Planning and Performance System. You will develop a One Page Marketing Plan and if you choose marketing and sales plans for each individual in this area. Clarity of objectives and Simplicity of action equals Execution of mission.