Simple video on RSS Feeds

From SoundBite Back – Really simple video on RSS feeds

 I’m a big fan of RSS feeds because of the way they simplify my time online. I subscribe to feeds from about 50 blogs, as well as everything from daily news from Journal Gazette and the latest entries on the Urban Legends site. With a quick browse through Google Reader, I cover a lot of ground in just a few minutes. If I had to visit these same pages individually to see when they were updated, I’d never keep up.
I’m such a big believer in RSS that last night I planned to find a video explaining how it works so I could post it here. Well lo and behold, The Good City has beat me to it, posting about Common Craft’s “RSS in Plain English” video earlier today. In just three minutes, you’ll learn how to save yourself hours a month.
So, how did I find out about the Good City post? An RSS feed to Google Reader, of course.

Technorati Tags: RSS Feeds,Soundbite,RSS,Google Reader