Wackiest Excuses for Being Late to Work


More than 27 percent of hiring managers say they are skeptical of employees’ excuses for showing up late. It turns out their doubt is warranted: 24 percent of all employees decide to make up a fake excuse rather than tell the truth.

What does this mean to you?

If you’re sitting in a traffic jam watching the minutes tick away and you’ve decided honesty isn’t the best policy for you, think of a believable and acceptable reason you’re walking in late. After all, if you were a hiring manager who heard any of these 10 real-life excuses for being late, you’d be suspicious, too.

1.  While rowing across the river to work, I got lost in the fog.

2.  Someone stole all my daffodils.

3.  I had to go audition for American Idol.

4.  My ex-husband stole my car so I couldn’t drive to work.

5.  My route to work was shut down by a presidential motorcade.

6.  I have transient amnesia and couldn’t remember my job.

7.  I was indicted for securities fraud this morning.

8.  The line was too long at Starbucks.

9.  I was trying to get my gun back from the police.

10.  I didn’t have money for gas because all of the pawnshops were closed. 

Wackiest Excuses for Being Late to Work

Tomorrow, I will tell you a foolproof way of knowing when it is an excuse and when it is not!