Not all Email Marketing is SPAM


Scott over “ScLoHo’s Collective Wisdom dedicated to Marketing, Advertising and the Creative Process – posted this today and it fits in with Rich Sloans post the other day. So 2 great tips on one blog.


Not all Email Marketing is Spam. But Email Marketing is different from Direct Mail. Check out this article from

This Message Isn’t Direct

Loren McDonald begins a post at the Email Insider blog by declaring, “Email is not direct mail.” Though an obvious statement, it’s something worth emphasizing. “I sense an assumption that the same basic rules apply to both channels,” McDonald notes. “At some levels this is true, of course—with common principles including the role of segmentation and personalization, the importance of good creative, [and] recency and frequency models.” But, beyond those similarities, the online world requires an entirely different marketing approach. For instance:

The email recipient has more power.

Deliverability is more complicated.

There are no guarantees about the look.

                                    The Po!nt: Email marketing is a skill unto itself.

Rich Sloan just published a new ebook on the 5 Steps to Successful E-Mail Marketing.

Email marketing helps you attract new customers, build relationships with existing ones, up-sell and cross-sell, collect and analyze valuable customer feedback, and generate a great ROI (relative to many other marketing channels)

This ebook walks you through the following:

  1. Important Lingo to help you understand the concepts and “talk the talk” before you “walk the walk”.
  2. How to create successful email messages including use of images, how to write copy, file size and driving end actions.
  3. Choosing an email provider that’s cost-effective and meets your objectives,
  4. Strategies to optimize open rates, which is where the rubber meets the road for email marketing.
  5. Measuring performance (hopefully, measuring “success”), so you can optimize and improve results.



P.S. But you do you know what is best about E-mail marketing, if you write something that’s good…people forward it to their friends for nothing. Thanks Scott and Rich for the content!