Mind Map on Getting Naked

This is part 5 of a 5 part afternoon series depicting the mind maps that I have created on the books of Patrick Lencioni. His website and company, The Table Group offers additional information on these subjects. This mind map was constructed during the listening of the book, Getting Naked: A Business Fable About Shedding The Three Fears That Sabotage Client Loyalty (J-B Lencioni Series) . Patrick Lencioni says about the book:

Consulting or service firms that practice the naked approach will find it easier to retain clients through greater trust and loyalty. That is the first and most obvious benefit. But they’ll also be able to attract clients better because naked service begins before a client actually becomes a client. It allows firms to be more open, more generous and less desperate in the sales process, and creates great differentiation from more traditional sales approaches. Finally, firms that practice the naked approach will attract and retain the right kind of consultants and professionals who yearn for an honest, natural way of working, both with clients and with one another.

Related Information:
SALES PDCA Framework for Lean Sales and Marketing
The 7 step Lean Process of Marketing to Toyota
The New Names of Marketing are still PDCA
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