Recommended Resources for Lean A3 Thinking

My new eBook, Marketing with A3 utilizes A3 thinking and enables you to apply a systematic method of problem solving to your marketing and sales. If you want to learn more about the A3 thinking process, this is my recommended list. There is little duplication of material between these resources and I think you will Read More …

How do you know when you are not getting your point across?

Do you think that some ground work should have been laid before they got to this discussion. Always remember your biggest challenge in sales is usually clarity.  Make sure your prospects are ready for higher math before taking them there. It’s not their fault for not understanding. It’s yours. Right pop? Related Posts: The 7 Read More …

Lean Marketing House & Marketing with A3, LTD Time offer

The Lean Marketing House is the big picture book, an overview of applying Lean to marketing where Marketing with A3 is more tactical. If you have interest in starting to look at your sales and marketing in a different way consider my offer: purchase the Lean Marketing House and you will receive Marketing with A3 Read More …

10 Sample A3s by 5 contributors + me

I was honored to have these 5 people contribute A3s for the eBook, Marketing with A3. I had several of my own efforts but felt that I could not offer the variety needed. These contributions are real life examples (names and some data has been changed) that captures the essence of an A3; a small Read More …

Podcast of the Year, A3 Problem Solving

Tracey Richardson, president of Teaching Lean Inc. discussed A3 Thinking and Lean Problem Solving last May on the Business901 podcast and easily outdistance everyone else. If you listened to it only once, it is well worth listening to it a 2nd time. I was so impressed with the interview that I participated in her A3 Read More …