Scenario Thinking the Next Big Thing

In the past few months, I have submersed myself into several different areas. One of them being Scenario Planning or Thinking. I was honored to have George Wright, co-author of Scenario Thinking: Practical Approaches to the Future. The book is an innovative guide to new methods in scenario thinking. The book focuses on the demonstration Read More …

Identifying Value with the BM Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is an analytical tool outlined in the book Business Model Generation. It is a visual template preformatted with the nine blocks of a business model, which allows you to develop and sketch out new or existing business models. This book has sold over 220,000 copies the past two years and has Read More …

The Truth about Performance

In an enlightening podcast, Show me the Money – The Truth about Performance, N. Dean Meyer discussed his new book, Internal Market Economics. Don Tapscott said it was “essential reading for executives interested in maximizing shareholder value or in running effective shared-services organizations.” Dean offers a fresh vision of empowered, entrepreneurial organizations, and practical solutions Read More …

Decentralization and Structure

In a recent podcast, Does Decentralization limit Growth?, with Dean Meyers one of the original proponents of running shared-services organizations within companies as businesses within a business, we discussed the topic of Decentralization. Along with many other things, Dean has written seven books to include, The Building Blocks Approach to Organization Charts and Decentralization: Fantasies, Read More …

Does Decentralization limit Growth?

I first came across Dean Myer  several years ago reading two other books,The Building Blocks Approach to Organization Charts and Decentralization: Fantasies, Failings, and Fundamentals. I had re-read them due to my recent foray into those two subjects and sought out Dean about his thoughts and he responded by sending me his latest book. I Read More …

Show me the Money – The Truth about Performance

In this enlightening podcast, N. Dean Meyer discusses his new book, Internal Market Economics. Don Tapscott said it was “essential reading for executives interested in maximizing shareholder value or in running effective shared-services organizations.” Dean offers a fresh vision of empowered, entrepreneurial organizations, and practical solutions to a host of pressing financial and management challenges. Read More …