How I would Market your Company? – Step 7 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: 7.  Creating a content marketing strategy based on your customers buying process and need. I believe content marketing is what really works these days and without it it is very hard to differentiate yourself. A quick outline of a great Read More …

How I would Market your Company? – Step 6 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: 6. Use existing if applicable; create new media around step 5 to include print, media, internet and sales processes. It is about the connection. One of the best pieces of information I have seen on this subject is a post Read More …

Market your Company? – Step 5 of 10

You How I would Market your Company? – Step 5 of 10 You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: 5.  Separate products/services into existing sales channels and map customer buying process. Take a look at this e-book that I produced on the subject for details.

How I would Market your Company? – Step 4 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: 4.  Create a list we can interview that makes up your buyer, present, past and NEVER. Oh, yes, interview them. This is normally a huge stumbling block.  People time and time again want to build their marketing strategies and tactics Read More …

How I would Market your Company? – Step 3 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: 3.  Review how your product helps your customer and all the material you have to support that. So, simply stated, what does your product do? How does it help your customer?  How does is save your customer money? And what Read More …

How I would Market your Company? – Step 2 of 10

You want me to start marketing your company today. Here is what I would do: Review your measurements on what is working and what is not, if you have them. If you don’t know, stop doing it! I already know the answer, 50% of your marketing works, you just don’t know which 50%. Well, set Read More …