Mirror your Customer – Understanding his process

The previous blog on this subject discussed a 10-step decision process for a customer and what may take place. Now, the next requirement from a Lean Marketing perspective or any other perspective for that matter is to understand the meaning and to define it in a useable manner. Listed are just a few of the Read More …

Steps to take when outsourcing

Does anyone ever go over the initial steps in developing an outsourcing strategy? I know books are filled with vendor rating and quality programs but what I am talking about is just a simple method to make sure you cover the basics. Take a look at this mindmap for a reference. If you like it, Read More …

Do you define a start date on projects?

Define the Work: Project Start Date(Part 2 of 2) One of the characteristics of a project is that there is a definite start and end date. This seems simple enough until you start to try to define exactly what these dates mean. There are no universally recommended standards for either date. In many respects, it Read More …

How do you create a scorecard

Capturing metrics that will provide information on the quality of the deliverables and the processes used to create the deliverables. The following process can be used to come up with the appropriate metrics on the project. This process will result in the creation of a Project Scorecard. Identify criteria for success. Review the objectives and Read More …

5S – A systematic Lean approach to organizing

A 5S overview: Sort – Separate the task Simplify –  Make the process easy Sweep – Remove unnecessary items Standardize – Document the process Sustain – Maintain the changes As you can see, practically any part of your organization can probably use a little 5’s. When starting with Lean, the 5S approach is usually one Read More …