Overview of Lean Service Design

A little bit of a Spoof, but nevertheless an outline on how to think in Lean Service Design. Customer Journey Canvas from the book, This is Service Design Thinking When I use the SALES PDCA approach in Lean Marketing, I emphasize the use of sales and marketing teams. It is one of the underlying principles Read More …

5S applies to the Customer Journey Map

5s is a systematic corrective action technique to clean up, get organized and make this the way you do business. In service organizations, the problems identified in 5S not only rob your organizations’ productivity but also your customers. Service environments are especially prone to this waste. Often it is blamed on the lack of standardization. Read More …

Mapping the Journey

Many organizations try to build their first marketing value streams from an organizational perspective. I encourage breaking down your value stream into your product/market segment. Seldom will your organizations products or the markets they compete in be so clear-cut that you can have one simple value stream. Customer Journey Canvas from the book, This is Read More …

Process Thinking in Services

Lean Services, Lean Marketing and, as a result, Lean Service Design have been a large part of my efforts. When you get involved in a marketing effort, many people and organizations that are making the request have a failed service problem. It is seldom about getting more leads it is more often than not, managing Read More …

Design Thinking CHAT

Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) has its origins in Lev Vygotsky’s pioneering work in the 1920s. More recently, education scholars have used CHAT to study learning behavior through the creation of activity systems analysis. When we view sales and marketing or even Lean  as a knowledge building exercise this thought process brings an alternative way Read More …

Lean 3P Design more Humanistic by Going Back to Nature

In the Lean Design we use a process that is called Lean 3P. One of the most contentious part of 3P is this idea of looking to nature, to try to find solutions to the problems you’re trying to solve. We begin by looking at all the value?adding steps. Then for each of those value?adding Read More …