Service Design via a Design Thinker ebook

Design Thinker, Arne van Oosterom, Partner at DesignThinkers in Amsterdam was my podcast guest recently. This is a transcription of the podcast. Arne is also a lecturer and chairman of the Service Design Network, Netherlands. He works with a broad range of associates around the world, and in a network allowing them to be extremely Read More …

The Strength of an Architect is in their Collaborative Abilities

My initial interest for this podcast was the perspective of Design from an Architect’s viewpoint. How does it differ from an industrial engineer or even an industrial designer, or other Design fields such as marketing? What makes an architect thought process different? I was surprised not in the answers that I received from my guest, Read More …

Should your Organization start Thinking like an Architect?

We accept that Architects have an ability to design pleasing structures. I feel another part of their repertoire is equally as important; It is the ability to visualize the change needed between current and the future state and to successfully chart the path for evolving to it. You may believe that these traits are common Read More …

What is New in Business Model Generation

The Business Model Canvas is an analytical tool outlined in the book Business Model Generation. It is a visual template preformatted with the nine blocks of a business model, which allows you to develop and sketch out new or existing business models. This book has sold over 220,000 copies the past two years and has Read More …

Service in the Eyes of a Design Thinker

My podcast guest was Arne van Oosterom, Partner at DesignThinkers in Amsterdam. DesignThinkers is a Strategic Design agency that specializes in social innovations, service innovations, customer centered design, marketing 2.0 and branding. They provide a bridge between business opportunities and creative solutions. The podcast typifies what I enjoy about Service Design and the people surrounding Read More …

Do you co-create value with your Customer?

My podcast guest next week is Arne van Oosterom, Partner at DesignThinkers in Amsterdam. He is a Designer in Residence at the Oslo School for Architecture and Design & Norwegian Center for Service Innovation, Founder of the Design Thinkers Network, Co-Founder of the Service Design Network Netherlands, Catalyst at WENOVSKI and Founder of the Healthcare Read More …