DTM Coaching Excellence – David Scott

Enclosed are my notes from the Duct Tape Marketing Coaches Excellence Series broadcast today with David Meerman Scott, author of the New Rules of PR. He has just published a new book, Tuned In. But first read what he had to say:

Public Relations is defined as how your organization deals with the public.

Can you control the media?

Can help control come from participation in social media?

  • Participation
  • Monitoring Chat rooms, Blogs

Can you afford to be a non-entity?

David gave a great explanation of how the social media works for companies?

Great moves for small business

  • Focus on Buyer Personas
  • Create separate value for buyers
  • Ultimately SEO is about Thought Leadership

The blogs that succeed are the ones that are passionate about what they are talking about?

People don’t use blogs in my industry: What a great marketing opportunity!

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn: Keep a narrow focus

Journalist are always looking for good stories, where do the look: Google, Social Media, Comments on their blog.

Viral Marketing = Sharing your ideas online(Funny, Remarkable, Strong Info Value)

  • Invest in a lot of ideas

David Scott new book talks about

  • Uncovering people’s problems
  • Talk to people that are not your customers
  • Does the world need this?

Tuned In is David’s new book

