Duct Tape Marketing Coach’s Plan by Business901

Last month, I wrote a blog post called "Hiring a consultant, can I see your marketing plan? " and to summarize I said: "If you are thinking about hiring a marketing consultant or a coach, it is very easy to qualify them, ask them, "Can I see your marketing plan?" That will send some shimmers through them."

In all fairness, the question would be, Can I see yours? I wrote it, made a couples of relatively minor changes by not revealing present customers but I have exposed it for the entire world to see on the Marketing Plan Pro website .

An excerpt from the Goal section of the plan:

1.1 Goals

Personal Goals:

  • Finish my book by the end of the year
  • Become more efficient at storytelling
  • Take time off this year

Business Goals:

  • Increase consulting engagements from three to six by year’s end
  • Have minimum of five year-long engagements ongoing by August
  • Have 50 attendees per month in webinars

Strategic Goals:

  • Increase speaking engagements by the end of year
  • Create smooth transition between the steps of the marketing funnel

Tactical Goals:

  • Call five people a day, period
  • Use social media to promote our expertise with past clients
  • Develop cross-promotions for the book with key expert partners

Why I am being so transparent, a quote that I saw the other day pretty much sums it all up:

"Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless." — Mary Kay Ash