Home Furnishing Store in Fort Wayne Celebrates Anniversary

Wild Hare Decor celebrates their 4-year anniversary, October 1st. We are extremely grateful for all the continued support we have received. Our biggest enjoyment during this time has been meeting so many new and wonderful people.

This Thursday, October 1st, we will be extending our hours to 6:00 PM. For most of the day, you can enjoy Charles Wren, our Fort Wayne version of Frank Sinatra. You may register on October 1st for the opportunity to win a Fall Basket. There will be other activities and prizes awarded during the day. Home Furnishings

Our pleasure is in creating a unique shopping experience as you wander through our inspirational vignettes. We strive in finding the unusual and different so that your home can be unique. Our merchandise is ever-changing and ordered in single or limited amounts. The merchandise, when placed in your home, should be a reflection of your taste and personality. That’s why, Wild Hare merchandise gets noticed. One of our customers so wonderfully said, “It is what makes your house a home!”

We offer free 1-hour design consultations within the area. Come in and visit us but allow ample time, enjoy your experience.

Wild Hare Decor is a home furnishing and decorative store that specializes in the Euro-Garden products. French, English, and Italian all coordinate together for a great collected look. Our merchandise is selected because of its individuality, quality and Euro-(Garden)Country appearance. We feature upholstered furniture, lighting, pillows, wall art, oils, Tuscan pottery and a variety of accessories. The store exclusively features the collectible Vietri Pottery. The store will seldom re-order merchandise it guarantees you a fresh look each time you visit.

Design and Decor with Personality