Is your Organization looking at the High or Low Points?

The other piece of it is when we look at those things that are the high point experience, the story of the organization changes. It becomes a story of how good we are in our capabilities versus how bad we are. – John Steinbach

John was my guest last week and we talked so long that I had to split the podcast in half, Opening Appreciative Space Process 1 and Opening Appreciative Space Process 2. This is a transcription of the podcasts and I think it even contains a few edits that got dropped.


John Steinbach has combined the approaches of Appreciative Inquiry and Open Space into his dynamic and positive Opening Appreciative Space process .This process starts with Appreciative Inquiry; a positive approach to change that can be used by individuals, teams, organizations, and communities.  Through an interview process that focuses on strengths and high-point experiences, Appreciative Inquiry helps participants discover and create a desired future.  This dynamic and uplifting process has been used by Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, not-for-profit organizations, youth groups, world leaders, and communities.

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