Lean Marketing Example using A3

Samuli Pahkala used this A3 for creating a presentation for the World’s Best Presentation Contest 2009. This is a great example of how to use an A3 in a marketing project. Another example is my proposal A3 that is on display on slideshare.

A3 – Toyota’s way of solving problems and creating plans

A3 is a proven Lean Problem solving tool that allows you to effectively structure and communicate the process that you develop. The left side of the page identifies your problems and sets your targets. The right side handles the problem solving process, developing countermeasures and standardizing the work. I look at the A3 as a mini PDCA project with the left side of the page being the Plan and the right side the DO, Check, Act.

Using the A3 in marketing is an excellent way to communicate with your team members and other members of the organization. How many times have you picked up a piece of paper and spent much of your time figuring out how the information was organized? Once you did this, you then spent the rest of time connecting it in a meaningful way so that you could use it.

If you are already a Lean company most of your staff is familiar with A3 or certainly the principles of PDCA. They spend little time sifting through the structure and more time understanding what you are demonstrating. Their ability to organize these efforts quickly in their mind is priceless.

At the end of the A3, you standardize the process for future use. It becomes a document that can help you improve similar projects or problems at a later date.

Couple of excellent Books on this subject:
Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota’s PDCA Management System
Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process

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