Several years ago at Agile Cincinnati, I had the opportunity to present this Lean Sales and Marketing presentation, It’s not your Grandmother’s Lean Anymore! It serves to this day, a good recap for a Lean Sales and Marketing presentation. On July 1st thru July 7th, the Business 901 blog will be dedicated to covering the material I present in a two-day workshop.
The reason I picked the title, It’s not your Grandmother’s Lean Anymore, was that I felt that so many people identify Lean with waste reduction. The first part of my slide deck discusses this and that part was delivered with a hint of sarcasm. After that I lighten up a little and discuss the new thinking that social media has brought upon us. After setting the stage, my tone changes dramatically after the slide, “Why Lean!” I discuss Lean and PDCA from the aspect of knowledge creation.
If you would like to get a head start on the activity surrounding the week of July 1st, I would recommend considering the purchase of the Marketing with Lean Book series.
Lean Marketing House (More Info): A starting point for creating true iterative marketing cycles based on not only Lean principles but more importantly Customer Value. Recommended 1st reading of series.
Marketing with PDCA (More Info): Targeting what your Customer Values at each stage of the cycle will increase your ability to deliver quicker, more accurately and with better value than your competitor. It is a moving target and the principles of Lean and PDCA facilitates the journey to Customer Value.
Marketing with A3(More Info): Enables sales and marketing to use the Lean tool of A3 as a structured approach for their problem solving, strategies and tactics.
Lean Engagement Team(More Info): The ability to share and create knowledge with your customer is the strongest marketing tool possible.