Lean Value Solutions Podcast

Tom DeForge discusses the disciplined approach and analysis tools taught to him during his 8 year tenure by the Shingijutsu consulting group, who are considered 2nd tier consultants to the father of The Toyota Production System, Taiichi Ohno . Tom has been implement these Lean Principles for over 20 years and is currently a Principal Partner in Lean Value Solutions International, he has built a successful practice over the past 11 years by leading several organizations to a lean Tom1.jpgenterprise Implementation strategy. Tom was also instrumental in forging relationships with other providers which assist in bringing his clients the latest in technology in terms of operational shop floor analytics, which assist in accelerating the Lean improvement efforts. One of his most proudest moments, was that LVSI now has one of the original founding members of the Shingijutsu consulting group, Sensai Akira Takenaka, as a LVSI Senior Consultant.

I first became acquainted with Tom because of the work he did in the Lean Turnaround that took place at PAS Technologies. Bob Weiner, CEO of PAS spoke very highly of LVSI and the role that Lean Value Solutions played in the successful implementation of Lean at his organization. Tom also discussed a new software package designed for “Driving Lean Behavior through real time analytics.

News Release

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2 thoughts on “Lean Value Solutions Podcast”

  1. I have had the pleasure of working with Tom DeForge over the past 2 years and can say, first hand: a) He certainly knows his stuff b) The Transformation at our multiple facilities has exceeded even our highest expectations c) Tom knows his stuff d) The White House needs Tom and his associates for sure.
    Tom DeForge continues to be a driving force behind our pursuit of perfection with all he has taught us.

  2. I have had the pleasure of working with Tom DeForge over the past 2 years and can say, first hand: a) He certainly knows his stuff b) The Transformation at our multiple facilities has exceeded even our highest expectations c) Tom knows his stuff d) The White House needs Tom and his associates for sure.
    Tom DeForge continues to be a driving force behind our pursuit of perfection with all he has taught us.

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