Mirror Your Customer – Your Process

The purpose of marketing, using the Duct Tape Marketing definition is getting someone with a need to know, like and trust you. But to do that, you must first understand the customer’s buying process and put a proactive plan and process in place to meet those criteria.

We have went through a ten step process the customer may take to reach a decision to purchase. We have analyzed all the steps; typical stakeholders involved, comparison with competitors, worse case scenarios, planned alternatives, etc.  Now, is the time for action.

Since the buying process is defined by the customer, it should not seem anymore that it is subjective, it is pretty objective at this point. Look at each of the individual steps and determine a solid reaction to that process. For instance, one of the features of your product may be testing the solution in their environment. Having a case study, testimonial in place may accelerate the solution or even prevent a full test having to be conducted. Having a comparison sheet or an unbiased guide for them to use during the selection process. A good example of that is Ilinc, my webinar provider, who has a tool to determine the travel savings by attending the webinar.  Having an Excel spreadsheet for the customer’s process may work perfectly. There numerous ideas and mirror suggestions that can be made but the secret is having the information as part of a process. That way you can use your time on improving the process and with the customer. When you dash off to create just the right thing, how many times does it not quite fulfill the bill or you find out that the 12-page document had something that just did not quite work right. Even more common, it takes you down a path that you had to create more material for the remaining steps.

Marketing is not an event – it is a process, and a mindset. A consistently high quality marketing effort cannot be produced by a faulty process. You must have products or services in place to meet your customer expectations. Look at each step and mirror your customer’s process and be able to pick your marketing reaction as quickly as you could turn a faucet. Wash your hands of a sloppy process and give the customer exactly what he wants, when he wants it and how he wants it. Balancing the process will soon become as easy as adjusting the water for the right temperature. But to do so, make sure you look in the mirror each step of the way.

As a result your process will become a very Lean Marketing Process.

This is 5 of 5 post on Mirror Marketing