Should Your Service Dept. Blog?

I am pitching to a couple of manufacturers to set up a blog with their service people to cut and paste their emails, service reports, etc. into a blog categorized by product. Have their customers subscribe to get updates on products and to see problems others encountered with like equipment. I think it is great way engaging your customer and not just the buyer but the user of the equipment. When new things come out they see corrections and encourage the buyer to consider them. It is a great marketing tool, problem solver, preventative maintenance to a point and a way to stay in contact with your customers. This way you can even control the posting by review.

Customers balk because it is one more thing to do that they don’t have time for? Most of the time I tell them their service guys are techies any way. Still have not sold the idea.

Fellow Duct Tape Marketing Coach Bill Brelsford Commented on my note:

Joe, I like your idea for the manufacturers connecting with customers via a blog. Regarding folks having “one more thing to do”, I wonder if this is the case selling the idea of blogging vs. the benefits that you mentioned.

If I play owner, I may not be interested in having my employees blogging or spending more time with customers, but I may be interested in helping my technicians solve problems faster, early detection of product problems (easier to spot), being able to train new technicians more quickly, inexpensive way to send service reminders, attract more people searching for my product, etc.

We already know that one gets you the other, but I often have to remind myself that not everyone else cares about technology like I do. What’s your thoughts!