Simplifying TRIZ for Innovation

Ellen Domb is a TRIZ expert, co-author of the book, Simplified TRIZ: New Problem Solving Applications for Engineers and Manufacturing Professionals, Second Edition, and founder of the PQR Group, a TRIZ training & consulting.Ellen Domb

 PDF and Transcription of Podcast

Related Podcast: Can You Use Inventive Problem Solving                         

Transcription excerpt:

Joe: In today’s world, we talk about co-creation, open innovation and things. TRIZ seems like this engineering thing to me. Is it something we can use in fields like co-creation and open innovation?

Ellen: Absolutely. One of the reasons that people come looking for TRIZ these days is that they’ve tried open innovation methods without a lot of success. What they find is that the TRIZ method of analyzing a problem helps them write a much better open innovation – they usually call it a challenge or an open innovation inquiry. If they use the TRIZ method, they sometimes don’t use it to get the answers; they use it to get the better questions. The reason for co-creation, especially when it’s supplier/customer-type co-creation, is because you need the knowledge that other people have that may be outside your company. Well, TRIZ starts out with the function that you need other knowledge, not only from outside your company, but probably from outside your discipline. It helps you formulate the problem in a way that you can go use that other knowledge.

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