Social Media

This will probably be the rage for all the leading edge marketers this year. And the truth of the matter is that Duct Tape Marketing, John Jantsch is one of them. Even though the basic principles of DTM our sound for any company. The tools change on how to use them. Where we once we carved things in stone, now we are wireless. And more and more of us are going there. Even though people are still buying things carved in stone, we must be always changing an dmoving forward. DTM is on the front of the curve thanks to John Jantsch. Though it does not enable us to see the future, it does make it much easier for us to recommend certain courses of action.

John posted this list several weeks ago in his blog and it is a good guide to review. You will hear about them all year, I promise..

John also said: “Social networks are something that I believe small business folks should tap. Some offer small businesses more than others, but you’ve got to get in there and find ways to use these growing resources. One of the ways to get started or more involved is to connect with people you know and trust. Here’s a list of the social networks that I use the most and links to each that will allow you to follow, friend and connect with what I’m doing on each. Check them out and connect with me if you wish.”

LinkedIn – Business networking
StumbleUpon – Web site sharing
Flikr – Photo sharing
Slideshare – Slide presentation sharing
delicious – Bookmark sharing
Facebook – Social networking
Twitter – Micro blogging
Workbench – Duct Tape Marketing community
YouTube – Video sharing
Digg – News sharing

These are some cool tools to play with. Review them all but my advice is to take one or two and stay with it.