Are you developing WICKED Salespeople?

Most sales opportunities are just not that obvious anymore that seems to be the job of automation, not sales. However, are we enabling salespeople to handle wicked problems? Are we training them in the areas of exploration, scenarios, emergence & sensemaking? Wicked Problems: Cynefin Framework:

Lean Scale Up InfoGraphic

Why not simplify the process and use an established methodology, a way of thinking to your business? Don’t leave good ideas fail because of a poor process. Processes are not easy. Change is not easy. Lean will not offer you a step by step process to make growth work. Lean only offers a better opportunity Read More …

What is your Ladder of Feedback?

I was thinking of simplifying the thought of direct feedback into 4 or 5 words/steps.  Developed by Wilson in 2003, and expanded by Ritchhart, I found this line of thought interesting but there was something I felt missing. Granted this is for education and mostly derived from a student-teacher relationship.   Ron Ritchhart’s Creating Cultures of Read More …

Coaching Kata: Feed Forward for Future Success

Is your Coaching Kata creating Feed Forward Feedback? In the practice of Kata, the coach attempts to provide feedback that feeds forward. It is not an attempt to be critical of past performance but more so of addressing what needs to be done next. In the book Learning Targets ( ) by Moss and Brookhart Read More …