The Value of ONE PAGE

Name the most famous documents! Most of U.S. origins will name the Declaration of Independence or the Gettysburg Address. Most Englishman would name the Magna Carter. Imagine, with one piece of paper people have changed the world! Business today competes on clarity and there is not anything that drives execution more than clarity. And without clarity, there is procrastination, mistakes and ineffectiveness.

Winston Churchill was asked how long he would need to prepare a speech. Churchill asked how long he had to speak. He was told 2 hours. “I can do that immediately.” When asked about a 10-minute speech, he replied, “In that case, I should need a fortnight to prepare.”

Business people must filter out the unnecessary and trim their documents into brief but concise statements. Here are a couple of steps to help:

  1. Prioritize information
  2. Target your audience.
  3. Key information only.
  4. Use active positive wording.
  5. Compress date without losing important content.
  6. Never begin with a blank piece of paper.

Never begin with a blank piece of paper? You will be more concise, creative and effective if you use a template. Most feel that they lose creativity in using a template but this is not so, creativity is typically increased when you follow a pattern. Look at Mindmaps for example. Jotting down ideas in a random order and then linking them together, is there really randomness to the pattern. Not really, it is method in itself. In the book, Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath, they make an excellent case for using a template to promote creativity, not hinder it. Worth the read, just for that thought. You are more effective if you commit to something in writing. Writing is the key to clear thought. And if you can get it all on ONE PAGE, you will stand a greater opportunity getting your message across. Jefferson did!