Unconventional Marketing Techniques For Business Growth

Finding New Paths To Success: Unconventional Marketing Techniques For Business Growth

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses face the challenge of standing out in a crowded marketplace. The traditional marketing methods, while tried and true, may only sometimes yield the desired results in this dynamic environment. This is where unconventional marketing techniques come into play. Unconventional marketing techniques are strategies that break away from the norm. These are innovative and often creative ways to engage with customers and promote products or services. They can include tactics such as making small but impactful changes to website design, strategically incorporating repetition into marketing copy, and even altering headlines and CTAs by a word or two for increased engagement (AutoGrow).

There is a growing need for businesses to break out of traditional methods and explore these innovative approaches. Why? Customers are becoming increasingly discerning and looking for unique experiences. They want to be engaged in new and exciting ways, and this is exactly what unconventional marketing techniques can offer. This article explores these unconventional marketing techniques and how they can attract and engage customers. We will look at real-life examples and provide actionable strategies businesses can implement. This includes the 11 key laws of Sales Funnel Physics that have been successfully used to serve over 3,500 clients and generate more than $50 million in sales (AutoGrow).

By using unconventional marketing techniques, businesses can see significant growth. This can be in the form of increased clicks, conversions, and sales. For instance, simple alterations like changing an opt-in form to make it less confusing can significantly boost engagement and or utilizing the Law of Visibility, where the placement of a button can increase clicks tenfold (AutoGrow). In conclusion, unconventional marketing techniques offer a fresh and innovative way to reach customers. By breaking away from traditional methods and embracing these new strategies, businesses can potentially unlock new avenues for growth and success.


Breaking Out of Traditional Marketing

In the business world, marketing is crucial in establishing brand presence, reaching out to potential customers, and ultimately driving sales. However, many businesses still need to be anchored to traditional marketing techniques that may be less effective in today’s digital age. These traditional methods often include direct mail, telemarketing, print advertising, and television or radio commercials. While these channels have their own merits, they come with a set of limitations and challenges that could stifle a business’s potential for growth and success.

  • High Costs: Traditional marketing methods, such as print or broadcast advertising, can be costly. This can put a strain on the resources of small businesses or startups.
  • Low Engagement: With traditional marketing, engagement is often one-sided. It does not foster real-time interaction or engagement with the audience.
  • Limited Reach: Traditional marketing is often limited to local or regional audiences.
  • Lack of Personalization: Traditional marketing methods do not allow businesses to tailor their message to specific audience segments, making it less effective.

Given these challenges, it becomes evident that businesses need to break away from these traditional methods and explore new, more effective ways of marketing their products or services. This is where unconventional marketing comes into play.

Unlike traditional marketing, unconventional marketing is not bound by rigid rules or formats. It encourages creativity, innovation, and

new channels and techniques to reach and engage with the audience. It is about finding fresh, exciting ways to communicate your brand message, shunning the ‘been there, done that’ methods.

Some examples of unconventional marketing techniques include guerrilla marketing, viral marketing, experiential marketing, and influencer marketing. These techniques offer unique advantages that traditional methods lack – they have the potential to create memorable experiences, trigger emotional responses, reach a global audience, and create a buzz around your brand.

The transition from traditional to unconventional marketing is not just about adopting new techniques or channels. It’s about changing the mindset. It’s about embracing the unknown and the unexpected. It’s about experimenting, taking risks, and finding new ways to connect with your audience.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into unconventional marketing, exploring its various facets and demonstrating how businesses can use it to their advantage. The ultimate goal is to help businesses unleash their full potential and achieve unprecedented growth and success in the market.

Understanding the Target Audience

In marketing, understanding your target audience is akin to a captain knowing the waters he is about to traverse. It’s not just about knowing the surface but also what exists beneath. It’s about understanding their needs, wants, behaviors, and motivations. By doing so, businesses can effectively tailor their marketing strategies to resonate with this audience. Thus, it becomes evident that unconventional marketing techniques are incomplete without a thorough understanding of the target audience.

Research and Analysis

Just as a miner wouldn’t start digging unthinkingly but would first study the terrain, businesses must also analyze their target audience. Various methods can be employed for this purpose:

  1. Surveys and Questionnaires: This traditional method offers direct insights into customer preferences, buying habits, and opinions.
  2. Online Analytics: In the digital era, online tools offer valuable data about customer behavior, interests, and demographics.
  3. Social Media Listening: This helps to understand the audience’s conversations, discussions, and sentiments about a brand or product.

These techniques provide a wealth of information that businesses can use to understand the needs and wants of their target audience and align their marketing strategies accordingly.

Adapting and Tailoring the Marketing Strategy

The beauty of unconventional marketing lies in its flexibility and adaptability. After understanding the target audience, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies to the specific needs and preferences of their audience. This could mean employing humor, creating viral content, leveraging user-generated content, or collaborating with influencers. The possibilities are endless, but the key is to remain resonant with the audience.

Why Understanding the Target Audience is Crucial

Businesses might ask, “Why go through all this trouble? Why not stick to traditional marketing methods?” The answer lies in efficiency. When tailored to a specific audience, unconventional marketing methods can be more effective and cost-efficient than traditional marketing. They can give businesses a unique edge, helping them stand out in a crowded market. Furthermore, they allow businesses to engage directly with their audience, creating a sense of connection and trust that is invaluable in today’s consumer-driven market.

In conclusion, understanding the target audience is not just about knowing who they are but their wants, needs, and behaviors. It’s about using this knowledge to tailor an effective, engaging, and unique marketing strategy that resonates with them. It’s about finding the invisible doors in the market and unlocking the potential for growth and success.

Identifying the Invisible Doors

In the vast market expanse, hidden opportunities exist, often called invisible doors. These are untapped potentials waiting for someone with an innovative mindset to unlock them. The key? Unconventional marketing techniques.

Conventional marketing strategies focus on obvious paths to customer acquisition and retention. While these methods may yield results, they overlook the invisible doors that could lead to unprecedented growth. One could compare it to walking down a well-trodden path instead of taking the risk to venture into uncharted territories.

The term ‘invisible doors’ may sound enigmatic, but they represent a simple concept: opportunities hidden in plain sight. Spotting these requires a shift in perspective, a keen eye for detail, and, most importantly, the courage to think differently.

Unconventional marketing is the torch that illuminates these hidden paths, revealing to businesses new ways to attract and engage with customers. This innovative approach fosters an environment that encourages out-of-the-box thinking and creativity.

  • Need for Intuitive Insights: Unconventional marketing requires an intuitive understanding of the market and its consumers. Businesses must explore their target audience’s motivations, desires, and needs.
  • Importance of Data Analysis: Businesses must invest in data analytics tools and technologies that help identify patterns and trends that might go unnoticed. These insights can guide their marketing strategies, helping them discover new opportunities.
  • Daring to Experiment: Businesses must be willing to experiment with new ideas and concepts. Even if an idea doesn’t strike gold initially, the data gathered during the process can be invaluable for future marketing campaigns.

Unearthing these invisible doors has given many businesses a competitive edge. For example, Airbnb identified an invisible door when they recognized the potential of people’s unused living spaces as a viable alternative to traditional hotels. Their innovative marketing approach disrupted the hospitality industry and positioned them as a major player in the market.

The shoe company TOMS is another example. They saw an invisible door in their customers’ desire to make a positive impact. Their ‘One for One’ campaign, which promised to donate shoes for every pair sold, was a brilliant, unconventional marketing strategy that led to their considerable growth.

In conclusion, identifying the invisible doors is not merely about finding new opportunities but creating them. Businesses that embrace unconventional marketing techniques position themselves at the forefront of innovation, opening doors to infinite possibilities and setting new benchmarks in the industry. As this approach becomes increasingly vital in the digital age, the question is not whether businesses can afford to explore these invisible doors but whether they can afford not to.

The Impact of User-Generated Content

As we journey into the digital age, we are presented with new, innovative marketing strategies, one of which is user-generated content (UGC). This particularly potent form of content marketing has gathered steam in recent years due to its authentic and personable nature, which plays a substantial role in shaping the marketing landscape.

By definition, user-generated content refers to any form of content – images, videos, text, reviews, and more- that consumers rather than brands create. The beauty of UGC lies in its authenticity, providing a genuine human touch to any marketing strategy.

The real power of user-generated content emerges in the way it builds trust with potential customers. With the proliferation of online businesses, consumers have become more skeptical and discerning. They want to see real experiences from real people. This makes UGC a compelling strategy for businesses seeking to enhance their credibility.

  • UGC and Trust: When businesses showcase content created by their customers, they put forth a level of trustworthiness that can be hard to achieve through traditional marketing.
  • UGC and Engagement: UGC encourages interaction, as consumers feel a sense of contribution, involvement, and recognition. This helps foster a sense of community, enhancing customer loyalty and engagement.

Several companies have harnessed the potency of user-generated content in their marketing campaigns to great effect. For instance, Coca-Cola’s ‘Share a Coke’ campaign invited customers to search for bottles with their names on them and share images on social media. This not only created a flurry of user-generated content but also sparked a high level of engagement.

Another noteworthy example is GoPro, a camera company that relies heavily on user-generated content. By encouraging customers to share their adventure footage captured with GoPro cameras, the brand has been able to showcase the quality and capability of its products in real-world scenarios while fostering a dedicated and engaged community.

These examples underscore the importance of leveraging user-generated content to maximize its potential benefits.

  1. Encourage User Participation: An effective way to generate more UGC is by encouraging user participation. This could be in contests, hashtags, or simply by requesting users to share their experiences with your products or services.
  2. Offer Incentives: Offering discounts, merchandise, or the chance to be featured on your platform can motivate users to participate and contribute content.
  3. Share User-Generated Content: Regularly sharing user-generated content on your platform gives your customers a voice and builds trust with potential customers looking for authentic reviews and experiences.

Understanding and harnessing the power of user-generated content can provide businesses with invaluable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. It also establishes a much-needed connection with customers, resulting in a more robust and loyal customer base. Therefore, it’s safe to say that user-generated content is no longer a mere option but a necessity in marketing.

Understanding Unconventional Marketing Techniques

Unconventional marketing, often guerrilla marketing, is a creative approach to promoting a business that deviates from traditional methods. Unlike the well-trodden path of standard advertising and social media campaigns, unconventional marketing techniques often involve innovation and surprise that can help a brand stand out in a crowded marketplace. As an example, consider how marketing doesn’t always have to look like marketing. Strategies that don’t overtly sell but offer something of real value, like education, can be far more effective in building trust with prospective customers (source).

At its core, unconventional marketing thrives on creativity and thinking outside the box. It’s about pushing boundaries, testing limits, and daring to do something different. Just as a gymnast or hiker might push their physical limits to achieve their goals, marketers can tap into a similar mental toughness to overcome challenges and create memorable campaigns (source). This creative courage can be the driving force behind brand awareness and sales growth.

The Role of Unconventional Marketing in Business Growth

Unconventional marketing techniques can help businesses stand out in a crowded market. With the digital landscape becoming increasingly competitive, businesses must adopt strategies that make them memorable online. This might involve repurposing outdated terms or leveraging unique aspects of your brand’s personality to engage and resonate with your target audience (source).

While it may seem risky, stepping out of the marketing norm can yield impressive results. Whether through unique collaborations, leveraging niche markets, or simply making your brand more relatable, these unconventional strategies can help your business carve out its own space in the industry. And remember, successful marketing doesn’t necessarily require a big budget, but it does require smarts, creativity, and the courage to try new things.


Building a Strong Online Presence

In the digital era, establishing a robust online presence is akin to setting up a brick-and-mortar store in a bustling city center. It’s where the crowd is and your business needs to be. As Sydney B., a seasoned Communications and Marketing Professional, points out, over 2.1 billion unique online shoppers are up for grabs in today’s market. Neglecting an online presence is like leaving money on the table. But why exactly is an online presence so critical? Let’s dive into five compelling reasons.

  1. Increased Visibility: Imagine your business as a lone lighthouse in a vast ocean. Without a strong online presence, it’s challenging for potential customers to find you amidst the competition. However, with a strategic online footprint, you can shine your light far and wide, attracting more customers to your shores.
  2. Enhanced Trust: Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business. In the online world, visibility equates to credibility. A prominent online presence signifies that your business is reliable and open to scrutiny, fostering trust among potential customers.
  3. Improved Customer Service: An online presence isn’t just about selling but also serving. It offers an accessible platform for customers to voice their concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback. This two-way interaction enhances customer service and builds a community around your brand.
  4. Amplified Brand Awareness: Brand awareness is the bread and butter of marketing. A robust online presence enables you to reach a wider audience, accentuating your brand’s visibility and recall.
  5. Cost-Effective Advertising: Online advertising offers a higher return on investment than traditional advertising methods. It allows you to reach a larger audience with a smaller budget, making it an economical choice for businesses of all sizes.

Establishing a strong online presence is one thing, but how do you stand out in the crowded digital marketplace? The answer lies in unconventional marketing techniques. These are not your run-of-the-mill strategies, but they have proven effective in increasing online awareness and driving sales. Here are a few examples:

  1. Leave reviews for local businesses: A simple yet effective method to increase your business’s visibility. It helps other businesses and gives your brand a more personal and relatable image.
  2. Host giveaways to reward engagement: Everyone loves freebies. Hosting giveaways encourages customer engagement and increases your brand’s visibility.
  3. Give gift guides: A well-curated gift guide, especially during the holiday season, can attract traffic to your website.

Remember, the digital landscape offers limitless possibilities for businesses willing to think outside the box. So, don’t be afraid to experiment with unconventional strategies. After all, standing out is all about being different. The saying goes, “In a world full of apples, be a pineapple.”


Leveraging Social Media

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the power of social media in reaching a wide audience is undeniable. However, with the saturation of traditional platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, standing out from the crowd can be daunting. The competition for users’ attention is fierce, and the algorithms governing these platforms can make it challenging for businesses to reach their target audience. But fear not! There’s a silver lining to this digital cloud – the world of unconventional social media marketing.

  1. Unconventional Platforms: A New Frontier: While social media giants continue to dominate, new platforms are emerging, offering fresh opportunities to connect with audiences. Though smaller in user base, these platforms often host more engaged and passionate communities. Quality trumps quantity, and targeting these niche audiences can lead to higher conversion rates and increased brand loyalty.
  2. Visual Platforms: Show, Don’t Tell: The rise of visual platforms like Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok offers unique marketing opportunities. Pinterest, for instance, is a hidden gem for visual marketing, particularly for fashion, food, or home decor brands. On the other hand, Snapchat thrives on ephemeral content, creating a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out) among its users. Lastly, TikTok’s creative challenges and opportunities allow marketers to craft compelling, bite-sized content that resonates with Gen Z and beyond.
  3. Professional Networks: More Than Job Searches: LinkedIn isn’t just for job seekers anymore. This robust business network is powerful for thought leadership, B2B marketing, and industry influence. Establishing yourself as an industry thought leader can significantly impact your brand’s credibility and reach.
  4. Messaging Apps: Adding a Personal Touch: Apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal offer a more intimate avenue for customer engagement. These platforms’ focus on privacy and security can help build trust with your audience, especially in sensitive industries.
  5. Audio Marketing: The Power of Sound: Lastly, the rise of podcasts and audio marketing presents a unique opportunity to reach audiences. The power of sound can create a personal connection with listeners, providing another avenue for brand promotion and engagement.

Embracing these unconventional approaches to social media marketing can lead to remarkable results. For example, many businesses have successfully leveraged these platforms and techniques to reach their target audiences and drive growth. Innovation is the key to success in digital marketing, and these unconventional methods represent the industry’s future.


Collaborating with Influencers

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, one trend that has been gaining significant traction is influencer marketing. According to Kanuka Digital, 65% of marketers boosted their influencer marketing budgets in 2019, underscoring the growing importance of this technique. Traditionally, when we think of influencer marketing, ‘sponsored posts’ often come to mind. These are relatively easy and affordable to produce, making them a popular brand choice. Indeed, sponsored Instagram posts accounted for 78% of influencer-brand partnerships in 2018. However, there’s a vast array of other ways to collaborate with influencers, which can result in more sustainable, long-term relationships and better resonance with their audience.

  1. Unconventional Ways to Utilize Influencer Collaborations: One exciting and innovative way to collaborate with influencers is through social media takeovers. Here, an influencer takes over a brand’s social media platform for a set period, sharing content relevant to the brand. This method draws new traffic and followers to your profiles and fosters meaningful connections with key influencers in your industry. It’s a win-win situation. Another unconventional way is through product collaborations. This involves giving the influencer creative control over a project, such as designing a fashion collection or a cosmetics range. As Kanuka Digital notes, influencers know their audiences well, and giving them creative freedom can lead to highly invested audiences and increased sales.
  2. Potential Benefits and Challenges: The benefits of these unconventional influencer collaborations are manifold. They can increase brand exposure, increase engagement, and improve sales. Moreover, they allow brands to reach new audiences and create meaningful, long-term relationships with influencers.

However, these strategies also come with their own set of challenges. For instance, relinquishing creative control to an influencer can be daunting for brands. Finding the right influencer who aligns with your brand’s values and aesthetics can be time-consuming. In conclusion, while influencer marketing has challenges, its potential benefits make it an exciting avenue to explore. By thinking outside the box and leveraging unconventional influencer collaborations, brands can gain a competitive edge in today’s digital landscape.


Creating Viral Content

Creating viral content is more than just a shot in the dark. When done correctly, it’s a strategic process that can significantly impact brand awareness and customer engagement. But what makes some content go viral while others fall flat? As it turns out, the answer lies in the power of psychology and a deep understanding of your target audience.

  1. Understanding the Psychology Behind Viral Content: When content triggers strong emotions such as joy, surprise, or awe, it is more likely to be shared. These emotions stimulate the brain, creating a memorable experience that the user wants to share with others. Additionally, relatable, humorous, or controversial content can also gain traction. This is because it resonates with the user personally, making it more likely that they will share it with their social circle. Another important factor to consider is social proof. People are likelier to engage with content others have already liked or shared. This is because they trust the judgment of their peers and are more likely to see content others have endorsed as valuable or worthwhile. By understanding the psychology behind why some user-generated content goes viral, businesses can create content that resonates with their target audience and has a greater chance of gaining traction on social media. (source)
  2. Creating Viral Content: A Step-by-Step Guide: Creating viral content requires a strategic approach. Here are some steps to consider:
    • Determine the best medium for your content. Consider your topic and intended audience when deciding whether to use a video, infographic, or article format.
    • Headlines are crucial. Use tools to test different headlines and determine the most effective one for your content.
    • Understand the importance of visual content. Images are vital to the virality of your content, so choose them carefully and create original graphics if necessary.
    • Gather data from your site and social media accounts to understand popular post types and identify trends.
    • Build links intelligently. Develop relationships with popular websites to increase the chances of your content being linked back to.
    • Write about practical topics. People love sharing articles about things they need in their lives, so focus on practicality.

By following these steps, you can increase the chances of your content going viral and driving significant growth for your brand. (source)


Utilizing Interactive Experiences

In the current digital age, engaging customers through interactive experiences is not just a novelty; it’s a necessity. The more a brand can engage its audience, the higher the chances of converting them into loyal customers. And what better way to do this than through interactive content? As aptly put by Constant Contact, interactive content is a key part of any digital marketing strategy. It involves elements like maps, videos, and chatbots that capture your audience’s attention and encourage their active participation. But what exactly is interactive content? It’s content that requires the participants’ active engagement — more than just reading or watching. It prompts them to do something, like answering a question, making a choice, or exploring a scenario. This form of content is a powerful way for businesses to educate their audience, expand their customer reach, and, most importantly, boost customer engagement.

  1. Unconventional Ways to Create Interactive Experiences: Brands have been leveraging technology to create unconventional interactive experiences beyond standard ads. For instance, using interactive videos has been a game-changer in digital marketing. These videos can connect with the audience, redirect prospective customers to your website’s homepage, and promote products and services. Constant Contact says customer testimonials and product demonstration videos can significantly increase engagement and sales. Another revolutionary interactive content type is the use of AI and chatbots. These tools provide personalized experiences and make customers feel like their experience matters. The evolution of artificial intelligence has made chatbots sound more natural and “human,” enhancing the overall customer experience.
  2. Successful Examples of Businesses Leveraging Interactive Experiences: Many brands have successfully harnessed the power of interactive content. For instance, Heineken USA used an interactive video as part of an HR campaign to showcase its fun company culture. This unique approach not only introduced candidates to the company but also tested their personality, as highlighted by OutgrowAnother example is ‘The Elephant Pants,’ which created a quiz to generate awareness about its Kickstarter campaign. The campaign was a huge success, raising over $8,500 in funds and creating a base of potential customers. These examples show how interactive marketing can be a powerful tool for startups and big brands to grow their customer base and drive engagement.

In conclusion, interactive experiences are an innovative and effective way for businesses to engage with their audience. By leveraging technology and thinking outside the box, brands can create unique interactive content that captures their audience’s attention and encourages active participation, increasing customer engagement and business growth.


Embracing Innovation for Long-Term Success

In the ever-evolving business world, it’s not enough to maintain the status quo. Innovation is a crucial ingredient for long-term success, especially in marketing. Embracing unconventional marketing techniques is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses wanting to stay ahead of the curve.

At first glance, traditional marketing methods may seem safe and reliable. However, they often lack the flexibility and dynamism required to engage with modern consumers. In contrast, unconventional marketing techniques are designed to adapt and evolve with the changing market trends. They offer businesses an opportunity to stand out in a crowded marketplace and capture the attention of potential customers.

  1. Risk-taking: Embracing unconventional marketing often means taking risks. Businesses need to venture out of their comfort zones and be willing to experiment with new ideas. While there is always the possibility of failure, the potential rewards often far outweigh the risks.
  2. Continual Learning: With unconventional marketing, the learning never stops. Businesses must remain curious and open to new ideas, constantly seeking new ways to connect with their target audience. This continual evolution can lead to sustainable growth and long-term success.
  3. Embracing Technology: Technology plays a key role in unconventional marketing. From social media platforms to AI-driven analytics, businesses that effectively leverage technology can create unique and engaging customer experiences.

By breaking away from traditional methods and embracing innovation, businesses can establish a long-lasting and meaningful connection with their customers. This is not just beneficial for immediate sales, but it also helps to build brand loyalty and fosters a positive reputation in the market. Unconventional marketing strategies can be seen as an investment with the potential for significant returns in the long run.

  • Netflix: A prime example of this is Netflix. The online streaming platform is known for its disruptive marketing campaigns that defy traditional norms. From creating a temporary hotel theme around its shows to developing unique social media campaigns, Netflix has embraced innovation to remain at the forefront of the entertainment industry.
  • Old Spice: Another example is Old Spice. The brand reinvented its image with a series of humorous and unconventional advertisements that went viral. This increased their sales and positioned them as a creative and innovative brand.

The willingness to embrace innovation can be a game-changer for businesses. By adopting unconventional marketing techniques, businesses can reach new audiences and build a strong, distinctive brand that stands the test of time. It’s about being bold, staying curious, and always being ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible.


As we wrap up our exploration of unconventional marketing techniques, it’s important to revisit and underline the key points discussed. The marketing landscape is ever-evolving, and a successful strategy requires constant adaptation and innovation. As Victoria Zelefsky from The Menkiti Group notes, it’s crucial to diversify content and keep it fresh and relevant. This doesn’t mean jumping on every trend, but rather, it implies monitoring these trends and leveraging them when they align with your brand’s identity and objectives.

Another cardinal point is to understand your target market and offer them valuable content that they can use. This includes writing new content regularly and considering various formats such as listicles, how-to articles, and tips. Moreover, don’t neglect the power of visuals. As pointed out by Autogrow, infographics, photos, GIFs, and videos can significantly enhance your audience engagement and shareability.

Unconventional marketing techniques are not just about being different but about being memorable and providing value to prospective customers. A hard-sell approach can often backfire, resulting in a loss of trust. Instead, focus on building a positive brand image and opening two-way communication channels. Remember, every interaction with a consumer is a potential marketing opportunity.

In conclusion, businesses must be bold and imaginative in their marketing approach. It’s not about having a big budget but being smart, creative, and willing to take risks. So, keep exploring and innovating, and let your brand shine in ways your competitors can’t imagine. As the saying goes, “In a world of pigeons, be a flamingo.”
