The Tribe of Me, The Tribe of My Group

Before Personal Kanban was published, I had Jim Benson on the podcast talking about team work. During the podcast I asked, “I noticed, on your website, where you talk about if you optimize your team and not your people, you’re not really optimized. I really like that statement. We all realize we have to make the Read More …

Tales of Continuous Improvement

Beyond Agile: Tales of Continuous Improvement is the latest publication of Modus Cooperandi. Co-author Maritza van den Heuvel is my guest on the podcast. Beyond Agile examines 10 companies, mostly in the tech world, but also in innovative automotive and business consulting that have actively evolved their processes. Using tools from Lean, Agile and other schools of Read More …

Is your Backlog Stale?

I was re-reading the transcription of a podcast on Personal Kanban and this topic of backlog jumped out at me. How do you deal with your backlog? How long does something get to stay in it? Youmay want to skip the blog post and read the entire transcription or listen to the podcast: Pascal Pinck Read More …

Applying the Principles of Lean

Natalie J. Sayer is the owner of I-Emerge, an Arizona-based global consultancy, and co-author of  Lean For Dummies. She has traveled the world extensively, working with leaders in English and Spanish, to improve their daily lives, businesses and results.  Natalie began studying and applying Lean in the automotive industry, in the US and Mexico before Read More …

Red, Yellow, Green: Is Supply Chain Thinking that Easy?

Amir Schragenheim, President of Inherent Simplicity, is a software firm specializing in TOC software for Production & Distribution environments. Inherent Simplicity is the exclusive software supplier for Production & Distribution software to Goldratt Consulting, Eli Goldratt’s consulting firm, in their Viable Vision strategic projects. Mr. Schragenheim is a regular speaker at the TOCICO conferences and Read More …

Interactions in Lean Value Chain

Mattias Skarin works as a Lean and Kanban coach building systems that enables you to cut time to market and improve quality. He has helped several software teams deliver with confidence, scaled Scrum over multiple teams (cutting game cycle time from 24 months to 4) and improved life at operations using Kanban. He is an Read More …