Stories of Lean and Agile

Claudio, aka Agile Sensei, is an independent Lean & Agile software development consultant, public speaker and dramatic storytelling journeyman.  Currently based in Dublin (Ireland), he offers vital transformational leadership and management experience to help individuals and organizations achieve phenomenal improvements. His current work on Lean Enterprise Architecture is set to enable tighter strategy alignment and Read More …

Past Thoughts on Lean and Agile

James Coplien in a past Business901 Podcast (Related Podcast and Transcription: Is Architecture Needed in Agile?) gave an interesting overview of Lean and Agile. Not sure I can do it justice with just this excerpt but see if interest you enough to go to the long version above. You can find Jim at Gertrud & Read More …

Is Architecture needed in Agile?

Jim (“Cope”) Coplien is an old C++ shark who now integrates the technological and human sides of the software business as an author, coach, trainer, and executive consultant. He is one of the founders of the software pattern discipline, and his organizational patterns work is one of the foundations of both Scrum and XP. Gertrud Read More …

Are You Deploying It or Winging It?

Often times, I wonder if software developers are really deploying something or just winging it. So, who better to ask than Mary and Tom Poppendieck. Related Podcast and Transcription:  Leaders in Lean Software Knowledge Joe:  Data is still king though, isn’t it? I mean, we have to deploy something. We have to be able to measure Read More …

Leaders in Lean Software Knowledge

Mary Poppendieck has been in the Information Technology industry for over thirty years. She has managed solutions for companies in several disciplines, including supply chain management, manufacturing systems, and digital media.  Tom Poppendieck is an enterprise analyst and architect, and an agile process mentor. He focuses on identifying real business value and enabling product teams Read More …