Interpreting Data

Kaiser Fung is a statistician with more than a decade of experience in applying statistical methods to unlocking the relationship between advertising and customer behaviors. His blog, “Junk Charts,” pioneered the genre of critically examining data and graphics in the mass media. He is an adjunct professor at New York University where he teaches practical Read More …

Using The 7 Kata

Shingo Prize winning author, Conrad Soltero. Conrad won the Shingo Prize as the principal author of The 7 Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean Training. It was published in 2012 by Productivity Press. He works at the Texas Manufacturing and Assistance Center or TMAC as we’ll call it and is a Shingo prize examiner. Download Read More …

Discussion on Orlicky’s Material Requirements Planning

Carol Ptak and Chad Smith are the co-author of the new Orlicky’s Material Requirements Planning 3/E. A fully revised and updated edition of the landmark work on material requirements planning (MRP), Orlicky’s Material Requirements Planning, Third Edition focuses on the new rules required to effectively support a manufacturing operation using MRP systems in the twenty-first Read More …

Agile Business Management

Evan Leybourn pioneered the field of Agile Business Management; applying the successful concepts and practices from the Lean and Agile movements to corporate management. He keeps busy as a senior IT executive, business management consultant, non-executive director, conference speaker, internationally published author and father.  You can find our more about Evan on his website, The Agile Director. Read More …

Defining the Nature of Value in Data

Dr. Eric Reidenbach: No, I think you’re accurate. I think that there is a ton of data, and that’s why you need some overriding metric, if you will, or overriding paradigm such as a value paradigm which governs and directs you as to how you convert data into information. The big breakthrough that Gale has Read More …

Choosing Product Markets

Dr. Eric Reidenbach:  Exactly so. Let me back up just a little second on that too because you’ve raised an interesting point. In choosing those product markets, what you’ll probably want to do is to apply certain criteria, such as what is your current market share within that particular product market. What is the market Read More …