PK Flow – What is it and Why Use It? eBook

This is a transcription of the Business901 Podcast, PK Flow – What is it and Why Use It? with co-authors Jim Benson & Tonianne DeMaria Barry of the book, Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life. PK Flow – What is it & Why Use it? Personal Kanban is neither a prescription nor a plan. Read More …

Lean Marketing Concepts

Ready to start building your knowledge of Lean Sales and Marketing? Contact Us If You Experience Access or Download Problems… In the rare instance when you have difficulty downloading the file you’ll find below, send an email to for further assistance.  Be sure to provide your original purchasing email address and specific details about Read More …

Dr. Jeff Liker on PDCA and Lean Culture

Dr. Jeff Liker celebrated author and authority on Toyota and the Toyota Production System was my guest on the Business901 podcast and we discussed his upcoming book, The Toyota Way to Continuous Improvement (Book release date is May 13th, I have pre-ordered mine). Dr. Liker in comparing Lean and Six Sigma: Sometimes, I’ve heard people Read More …

PK Flow What is it and Why Use It

I have struggled for many years with a personal management system and have spent most of my adult life waffling between the original 7 Habits planning system and countless others. Using David Allen’s, Getting Things Done and his MSO Outlook attachment was the longest I stayed away from the Covey system. I eventually went back Read More …

Is the Future of Business sharing?

At TED@MotorCity, Lisa Gansky, author of The Mesh talks about a future of business that’s about sharing all kinds of stuff, either via smart and tech-enabled rental or, more boldly, peer-to-peer. Examples across industries — from music to cars — show how close we are to this meshy future. Great Line: “We are more connected Read More …