Marketing with PDCA eBook released on Business901 Website

Released as an eBook, Marketing with PDCA authored by Joseph T. Dager is now available on the Business901 website. Marketing with PDCA is about managing a value stream using PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). Using the new SALES PDCA Framework throughout the marketing cycle will provide constant feedback from customers, and can only occur if they are part Read More …

Continuous Improvement Book Special

I decided to clean off my book shelves this weekend and as a result I am offering a special deal on over 50 Continuous Improvement Book titles. For anyone that purchases from the Business901 Amazon Shop (which means that I must be the seller and shipper of the book) I will include the paperback version Read More …

Does Success Always Start with Failure?

This book had an impact on me this week and needless to say, I recommend it. In my first reading, it was not the main message of the book that sparked my interest. It was the parallel path it runs with PDCA and the importance of sampling or pilot programs that so many of us Read More …

Improve your Sales Cycle, Work on your Feedback Loops

When I start talking about speeding up the sales cycle the initial reaction is that the sales cycle is controlled by the customer and there is just not much we can do about that. I usually counter with, most companies understand that there is an average sales cycle time and if we just agree that Read More …

Can anyone truly understand and empathize with another?

By leading the Americans in his audience at TEDxPSU step by step through the thought process, sociologist Sam Richards sets an extraordinary challenge: can they understand — not approve of, but understand — the motivations of an Iraqi insurgent? And by extension, can anyone truly understand and empathize with another? This is very powerful video Read More …

Lean, Quality, Six Sigma Consultants and Organizations – 28 Day Marketing Program

I am putting a different twist on these programs. All of the webinars will be distributed at the designated time to provide a structured learning concept but they will be yours to keep. I won’t be taking the time off though. In addition to the webinar training, I will be offering the participants the opportunity Read More …